Privacy Rights

We do not sell your information to any third party for any reason. Additionally, we do not disclose your personal information to unaffiliated third parties. We may share your personal information with third parties or affiliates of STAGPRIDE with whom we have contracted to perform services on our behalf or to complete a transaction you authorized. All companies that act on our behalf are contractually obligated to keep the personal information we share only to provide the services we ask them to perform.

STAGPRIDE values you as a customer and respects your privacy. This Privacy Policy explains what personal information is collected through this Website, how that information is used, to whom it's disclosed, and how it's safeguarded. By "personal information," we mean your identifying information (like name, home address, and email address), and descriptive information (like preferences) ("personally identifying information").

This Privacy Policy addresses the following issues:

  • What information do we share with third parties?
  • What choices do you have over how your information is used?
  • How may I update my personal information?
  • How do I know my personal information is secure?
  • Who may I contact with questions and concerns regarding this policy?
  • What personal information is collected at our website and how is it used?
  • What is the policy for visitors outside the U.S.?
  • How does this website interact with third-party web sites and content?
  • How do we address Children’s privacy?

Your access and use of the Website constitute your acceptance of our Privacy Policy and Terms of Use including any of their changes or revisions.

Because we continue to develop our website and improve the service we provide, our policies will change over time. If you are registered with our website, we may notify you by email of material changes to our Privacy Policy. You may exercise your choice about how we collect and use your information consistent with this Policy at any time. If you have any questions about our Policy, please contact us.


What Personal Information Is Collected At Our Website And How Is It Used?

  1. Information Collected Directly From You Through This Website

We collect personal information directly from you to do all the things typically associated with e-commerce websites. Examples of the information we collect include name, address, telephone number, age, size, gender, interests, personal preferences, demographic information, email address, credit card number, and purchase information.

This information is collected at various places: for instance, when you open an account on the Website; check out with your online order; subscribe to catalogs, email offers, and mobile messaging offers; participate in surveys, contests, or sweepstakes; interact with STAGPRIDE through special events (apply for a job, communicate with Customer Service or respond to program offers); partake in forums, bulletin boards or other online means for posting your comments, feedback, images, or content on the Website; or browsing through contents of the Website. We may combine all of this with information about you that we acquire from our joint marketing partners and from other unrelated third parties.

We also collect information about those you know—when you provide it to us. For example, we collect your gift recipient's contact information to process your gift orders.

We use this information to personalize your online experience at our Website: process your online orders (including sending emails to confirm your order status and shipment date); communicate with you about our products, services, contests, and promotions (unless you have directed us not to contact you with promotional communications); improve our products and services; analyze trends and statistics; protect the security or integrity of our website and our business; personalize your online experience with content and offers that are tailored to your interests; notify you regarding surveys and contests; enable you to post information on our Website; facilitate online social activity centered around our products and services; or enable you to interact with third-party content service providers whether by linking to their sites, viewing their content within our Web environment, or by viewing our content within their Web environment.

If you e-mail a wish list to a friend, we will not retain the names or e-mail addresses of the recipient of your wish list.

You always have the choice not to receive marketing information or calls. You will find instructions on opting out in our newsletters and on your online profile at

  1. Technical Information Collected
  2. Navigational Information

When you visit this Website, we collect navigational information, such as browser type and version, service-provider identification, IP address, the site from which you came, and the site to which you navigate.

  1. Cookies and Related Technology

To better understand what you do while on our website, we use a browser feature known as a cookie. A cookie is a small data file that is stored by your web browser on your computer. It is used to do things like see how you navigate our website and remember you and your online purchases when you return. This helps us improve our site, provide better customer service, personalize your online experience, and personalize offers to you based on your unique tastes and purchase history.

We also use pixel tags (also known as clear gifs or web beacons) on our website and in our emails. A pixel tag is an embedded graphic image on a web page, web-based document, or e-mail message. The pixel tags are used to collect information about your visit, including the pages you view, which website you came from, the features you use, the links you click, and other actions you take in connection with the sites. Pixel tags in e-mails help us confirm the receipt of, and response to, our emails, including those that you forward to friends and family; and they help deliver a more personalized online experience.

This technology allows us to associate your online navigational or transactional information with any personal information you provide (such as name, address, phone number, and email address). As an example, we may use cookies to keep track of what you put into your shopping bag. That can help us contact you if your online session is disrupted in mid-purchase, resulting in an abandoned cart. We can also use this technology to determine whether you would be interested in participating in special events, given your preferences. The result is a more personalized experience that's tailored to your needs and tastes.

You can disable or delete cookies by changing your browser settings. However, because cookies allow you to take advantage of some of STAGPRIDE’s essential features, we recommend that you leave them turned on. For instance, if you block or otherwise reject our cookies, you will not be able to add items to your Shopping Cart, proceed to Checkout, or use any STAGPRIDE products and services that require you to sign in.

  1. Information Others Observe or Collect through Technology

Third-party service providers help us analyze our visitor's site and purchase preferences and may help us deliver ads to you about our products through banner ads when you visit other websites (often referred to as "online network advertising"). The following provides more information about these service providers and the choices you have with respect to their services.

  1. Analysis

We contract with analytics companies to better understand your use of our websites, and web capabilities like embeddable widgets. They accomplish this by using some or all the technologies described in Section 2 above (Technical Information Collected—Cookies and Related Technology).

  1. Advertising

We may contract with third-party advertising companies that, in turn, collect non-personally identifying information by placing cookies on your browser when you visit us here. These companies may use information (not including your name, address, credit card information, e-mail address, or telephone number) about your visit to deliver our ads on this and other websites through their online advertising networks. These companies also provide this information to us which we, in turn, use to gauge how effective our ads are.

How Does This Website Interact With Third-Party Websites And Content?

We may enable you to navigate to third-party sites and services, or otherwise display third-party content. We do this for your convenience. We do not endorse or generally have any affiliation with these third parties. Whether their content appears within our web environment (like a map frame), or you leave our website for another site to view it, those service provider's terms, conditions, and privacy policies govern your online experience. Please view their terms of service and privacy policies if you have any questions about their practices.

Here's a partial list of third-party sites or content that may appear on our website:

  1. Interactive Maps

We may facilitate easy access to the online maps of third-party content providers so you can quickly retrieve information regarding location, hours of operation, and contact information for our upcoming or current stores.

  1. Sweepstakes, Contests, and Survey Sites

We may rely on the expertise of third-party service providers to run sweepstakes, contests, and surveys. Navigation to these sites may be seamless so that it appears you are still in our website environment.

  1. Social Networking or Other User-Generated-Content Sites, and Other Websites

We may at times facilitate easy access to third-party sites, like social networking sites and other sites that host user-generated content. This may include easy click-through access or even "single-sign on" to these sites. The third-party's privacy policy applies to any personal information you provide at these sites.

  1. Third-Party Rewards or Membership Programs

We may interact with certain unrelated companies that offer their customers memberships to participate in programs, which may include rewards for purchases from us. If you become a member of one of these programs or purchase something from us at this Website through such a program, we may provide the company administering the membership program enough information about you or your purchase (like contact information, transaction date, transaction amount, and order number), to enable it to honor your membership.

What Information Do We Share With Third Parties?

  1. Third Party Websites

The above third-party websites and advertisers, or Internet advertising companies working on their behalf, may send advertisements that appear on our website directly to your browser and may use cookies and/or other technologies to measure the effectiveness of their ads and to personalize the advertising content. We do not have access to or control over cookies or other technologies that they may use or the privacy policy of these advertisers and third-party Websites. Please contact them directly for more information about their privacy practices.

  1. Contractors

We use third-party "back-office" contractors to help handle parts of our business because of their expertise, resources, or scale. They help us do things like fulfill orders, process payments, monitor website activity, maintain databases, administer, and monitor emails, manage, and send mobile messages, and provide consulting and customer services. Contractors may also assist us in hosting micro sites and mobile websites where you may provide personal information about you and others you know; and where they may observe information about you in the same way as described elsewhere in this Privacy Policy.

We do not authorize any of these service providers to make any other use or disclosure of your information.

  1. Public Safety, Law Enforcement and Fraud Prevention

We may disclose specific information about our website visitors to law enforcement entities, governmental agencies, courts, or other entities, including credit reporting agencies if we have a good faith belief that it is necessary to protect our customers, the public, or our business. We may do so when (1) permitted or required by law, (2) trying to protect against or prevent actual or potential fraud or unauthorized transactions, or (3) investigating fraud that has already taken place. These entities may access and, if necessary, record your information to assist us with fraud prevention and detection. We will never authorize the release of your information to or by such entities for any other purpose.

  1. With Your Consent

Other than as set out above, you will receive notice when information about you might go to third parties, and you will have an opportunity to choose not to share the information.

What Choices Do You Have Over How Your Information Is Used?

We use an opt-out standard for all other communications. Opt-out means we will conduct the activity unless you tell us not to.

We use an opt-in standard for phone and text messages. Opt-in means we will only conduct the activity with your express consent.

You can always log into your online account at any time to change your preferences, including whether to opt-in or opt-out of certain services, or by contacting customer service. If you modify your preferences on whether to receive emails, mobile messages, or other promotional materials from us, it may take up to a few weeks to process your request, during which time you will continue to receive communications from STAGPRIDE.

Please note that when you make an online purchase from us, we will confirm your order status and shipment by email. We may also need to contact you via telephone, email or postal mail with questions or information regarding your order. You can always choose not to provide information, even though it might be needed to make a purchase or to take advantage of features on the Website such as creating your profile, wish lists, and customer reviews.

  1. Mobile Messaging

We will not contact you via telephone or text message without your express consent by opting in. If you've signed up for mobile messaging (e.g., SMS and MMS) offers but later decide you no longer wish to receive them, simply follow the opt-out instructions included in the mobile message.

  1. Email

If at any time you'd like to stop future delivery of our email offers, simply follow the removal instructions located at the bottom of the email messages we send you to complete the removal. This will stop future email offers from us but will not stop operational or transactional messages such as email confirmations of your online orders, or customer service communications.

  1. Cookies, Clear Gifs, and Online Network Advertising

You may always choose to block cookies or clear cookies from your computer. Simply follow your browser's instructions on how to block and clear cookies. Note that blocking cookies may not block the "first-party" cookies that are placed on your computer when you visit this site. By first-party cookies, we mean those cookies (whether placed by us or a contractor) that help us see how visitors use our site and enable us to deliver our ads on our site (as opposed to ads on an online advertising network of third-party websites). Clearing cookies after each visit here will prevent observations from multiple sessions being aggregated over time. Please consider the consequences of blocking or clearing cookies. Many websites, including this Website, rely on cookies to provide you with services or features that you have requested or expected.

Your California Privacy Rights

Under California's "Shine the Light" law, California residents who provide personal information in obtaining products or services for personal, family or household use are entitled to request and obtain from us once a calendar year information about the customer information we shared, if any, with other businesses for their own direct marketing uses. If applicable, this information would include the categories of customer information and the names and addresses of those businesses with which we shared customer information for the immediately prior calendar year (e.g., residents who makes the request in 2014 will receive information regarding 2013 sharing activities).

To obtain this information, please send an e-mail message via with "Request for California Privacy Information" on the subject line and in the body of your message. We will provide the requested information to you at your e-mail address in response. Please be aware that not all information sharing is covered by the "Shine the Light" requirements and only information on covered sharing will be included in our response.

What Is The Policy For Visitors From Outside The U.S.?

This Privacy Policy applies to customer relationships established in the United States. Parts of this Privacy Policy may not apply to visitors outside the United States. Like almost every website, our websites may be accessed by an international audience. If you are a non-U.S. visitor to our website, by visiting our website and providing us with data, you acknowledge and agree that your personal information may be processed for the purposes identified in this Privacy Policy. In addition, such data may be stored on servers located in the United States. By providing us with your data, you consent to transfer of such data from your geographic location to our servers located in the United States.

This is a U.S. e-commerce site. This Privacy Policy governs the information collected at this site irrespective of where you are located when you access it, browse it, interact with it, and make purchases through it (including those that are shipped to addresses outside the U.S.). Moreover, governmental bodies that have jurisdiction (e.g., courts and law enforcement agencies) may be entitled to access your personal information.


How May I Update My Personal information?

We prefer to keep your personal information accurate and up to date. You may update or modify your billing and shipping related information by logging onto

How Do We Address Children's Privacy?

If a parent or guardian is made aware that a child under the age of 13 has provided us with personally identifiable information without their consent, please contact us by e-mail at and we will remove the information about the individual immediately.

Children are not eligible to use our websites. We ask that minors (under the age of 18) only use our websites in conjunction with their parents or guardians. Children under 13 years of age should not send any information about themselves to STAGPRIDE. If a child under 13 submits information through any part of our website, and STAGPRIDE becomes aware that the person submitting the information is a child, we will attempt to delete this information as soon as possible.

How Do I Know My Personal Information Is Secure?

We use Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) technology to protect your information as it is transmitted to us. To make sure you are accessing our secure server before you submit personal financial information, look at the tool bar or lower left-hand or right-hand corner of your browser. If you see an unbroken key or a closed lock (depending upon your browser), then SSL is active. To double-check for security, look at the URL or Location line of your browser. If you have accessed a secure server, the first characters of the address in that line should change from "http" to "https."


If for any reason you cannot access the secure server, or if you're not quite comfortable shopping online at our website, please contact our customer service for assistance. We do our best to provide you with a safe and convenient shopping experience. We have in place certain physical, electronic, contractual, and managerial safeguards to protect the security and privacy of your personal information.

We maintain physical, electronic, and procedural safeguards that are designed to guard our customers' personal information. For example, for the security of your online visit to our websites, we may make use of firewalls, encryption techniques and/or authentication procedures. Unfortunately, no data transmission over the Internet can be guaranteed to be secure. As a result, while we strive to protect your personal information, STAGPRIDE cannot ensure or warrant the security of any information you transmit to us, and you do so at your own risk. In the event of a breach of the confidentiality or security of your personal information, we will notify you as necessary and to the extent possible so you can take appropriate protective steps. Unless you indicate otherwise, we may notify you under such circumstances using the email address you provided to us when you registered with our websites.

To protect against unauthorized access to your password and to your computer, be sure to close the browser and sign off the computer when finished using a shared computer.

Your Online Account

When setting up an online account at any of our websites, you will be prompted to select a password. The retrieval of personal information relating to you and your order history is only available to you if you provide the correct password that you have created, and all profile information, including your address book, is only available while you are logged in to your account. After providing your password, you can edit or delete your information at any time through the "my account" page. If you forget your password and notify us, a new password will be assigned and emailed to your email address. We will not give passwords out over the phone, nor will we email them to a different address than the one used to register.

Your address book, located on the "my account" page of each website, is your personal storage space. We do not use the information in your address book to send email promotions or catalogs by mail.

Retention of Personal Information

STAGPRIDE retains your personal information for as long as necessary to fulfill the purpose(s) for which it was collected and to comply with applicable laws. Your consent to such purposes(s) remains valid after any termination of our relationship with you.

Sale or Merger

If STAGPRIDE should ever file for bankruptcy or merge with another company, or if STAGPRIDE should decide to buy another business, or sell or reorganize part or all STAGPRIDE business, STAGPRIDE may be required to disclose or transfer your personal information to prospective or actual purchasers and other parties. It is STAGPRIDE's practice to obtain appropriate protections for information disclosed in these types of transactions. STAGPRIDE cannot, however, guarantee that STAGPRIDE's Privacy Policy will remain unchanged if STAGPRIDE is sold or merges with another company.

Whom May You Contact With Questions Or Concerns And Who Administers This Policy?

If you have questions or concerns with respect to our Privacy Policy, please feel free to contact us at Our Legal Services administers this policy.

Last updated 04/16/2023.
